Shape Beauty Director Cheryl Kramer Kaye shares two must-have products that'll lock in your confidence this summer.
Trend expert Rachel Zalis shares two new breakthroughs that'll keep your skin smooth and help kill more calories to sleeken your silhouette this …more
Best-selling author Taiye Selasi collaborates with Dove Hair to release the new Love Your Curls book, a poetic tribute to curly hair.
The biggest night of the year is almost here. Pandora Amoratis, Style Director at OK Magazine, shares beauty and fashion tips to look your best--and …more
NYC's top editors share their favorite beauty looks from Mercedes Benz New York Fashion Week Spring 2105.
Kick off spring with a head to toe glow. Shape magazine editor Cheryl Kramer Kaye shares her latest drugstore beauty products and pro tips for …more
Follow these makeup tips to get the look of People 's 2015 World's Most Beautiful Woman.
From SPF to how to wear your hair, these Spring beauty buys will have you prepped for Summer.
Who couldn't use a boost of confidence this spring? So as the weather warms, work on shedding self-doubt along with that winter jacket. To help out, …more
Prevent damage and reverse the signs of aging with Dr. Dendy Engelman's tips for youthful Spring skin
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