Dermatologist Secrets to Stunning Spring Skin

The secret to that glow? Go with a pro!

From the LifeMinute Team

March 25, 2015

After being all cooped up through the long wicked Winter, your skin may be a little lacking in the Healthy Glow department. But that's okay because dermatologistDr. Dendy Engelman says there are a slew of new treatment options to help you freshen up your face and lose the lines.

"An easy way to start is with a good skin care regimen, and obviously we have to protect ourselves daily with SPF," says Dr. Engelman, "But in addition to that, we need to treat the discoloration and sunspots that can occur with chronic sun exposure." For the latter, Dr. Engelman loves Lytera by SkinMedica, a brightening agent that you apply twice daily to the skin for a significant improvement in the overall quality of the skin. "And the discoloration will start to disappear over several weeks of use," adds Dr. Engelman.

And Dr. Engelman is already looking beyond Spring to Summer when it comes to banishing breakouts. "As the weather gets warmer, we tend to see more blemishes and breakouts," she says, "And so there's a new treatment option available that's prescription-strength that your dermatologist can prescribe called Aczone. And this is applied twice daily; it's beautifully tolerated and very effective in diminishing breakouts and blemishes."

Odds are that even if your skin is sunspot and acne free, signs of aging are still a concern. And around the eyes, where skin is the thinnest and tends to wrinkle most easily, is where those first signs of aging are likely to show. Dr. Engelman suggests BOTOX Cosmetic to treat the area; it's the only agent that is FDA approved to treat fine lines and wrinkles in the crow's feet area and in the glabella -- those frown lines between the eyebrows. Dr. Engelman says, "This is an easy injection that your licensed and trained professional can apply to you in order to allow for softening of these wrinkles and make this area look fresher and brighter."

Next on your Spring skincare checklist... Pump up the volume. And the mid-face needs it the most. "We go from a very youthful-looking triangle where we have high cheekbones and fullness through the apples of the cheeks," explains Dr. Engelman, "And as we age, this inverts and we have hollowing through here and some sagging. So, in order to combat that, your licensed and trained professional can inject JUVDERM VOLUMA into the mid-face in order to restore that youthful triangle." The treatment can take years off in minutes, and it's the only FDA approved agent for this region. "And it can last up to two years, so it's a really good treatment that takes a matter of minutes but has long-lasting results," adds Dr. Engelman.

"One final thing that I like to talk about with my patients," the doctor continues, "is that not only do we show signs of aging around the skin of the eye, but we actually have age-related changes with the eyelashes where they become more sparse, thinner and shorter." For this, Dr. Engelman suggests applying prescription LATISSE, a topical agent that you paint along the lash line at night to actually lengthen and thicken eyelashes in a matter of months. Dr. Engelman explains, "It usually takes between three and four months to see full results. And that's an easy way to look younger and brighter for Spring."

Some take-home tips from the dermatologist? First, establish a dedicated skin care regimen incorporating proper cleansing and treatment options catered to your needs. And... "I cannot encourage enough daily sun protection because not only is it going to protect from skin cancers, but it also will protect against accelerated photo damage and photo aging that day by day we're accumulating, so we have to make sure to protect against that and just incorporate it into our normal routine just like we brush our teeth," advises Dr. Engelman.

So slather on the SPF and head into Spring fresh-faced and fancy free. And to learn more about the treatments talked about here, visit or


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