Dr. Doris Day's Proven Anti-Aging Secrets

Want to revive thinning hair and have glowing, timeless skin? Here, New York City dermatologist Dr. Doris Day shares her best anti-aging tips and must-haves

From the LifeMinute Team

June 18, 2015

The fountain of youth may still be wishful thinking, but that doesn't mean there aren't effective treatments to rejuvenate aging hair and skin. Dr. Doris Day, a board-certified New York City dermatologist and author of Forget the Facelift, sat down with us to share her top proven anti-aging tips. So if you want to coax thinning hair back to life and discover the most effective skincare ingredients that protect against sun damage and reverse the signs of aging, listen to what Dr. Day has to say.

Treat thinning hair with minoxidil. "It's over-the-counter and FDA-approved to help regrow hair," explains Dr. Day. Her pick: Women's Rogaine Foam 5% Minoxidil. "In their clinical trials, over 80% of women regrow hair, and the really exciting part is that the hair that regrew was up to 50% thicker. And it only needs to be used once a day," she says.

Wear no less than SPF 30 every single day. "Sun protection is really important. Sunscreen needs to be used everyday, along with sun-smart behavior. I look for products that are FDA-approved, and sunscreens are over-the-counter drugs that are very tightly regulated by the FDA. Look for an SPF of 30 or higher and be sure to reapply every two hours, and more often if you are swimming or sweating," says Dr. Day. Her pick: Neutrogena UltraSheer Dry Touch sunscreens. "These help without looking or feeling like anything on your skin, giving you that SPF protection that you're looking for in an SPF 30, 50, even up to an SPF of 100," she says. As for sun-smart behavior, "Wear a hat, sunglasses, physically protective clothing, stay in the shade when you can, and try to avoid mid-day sun in the summer months," she lines out. "All of this together will help premature aging and also reduce your risk for skin cancer."

Reduce fine lines and improve skin firmness with retinol. It's important to repair and rejuvenate our skin because it naturally ages as well. One of my favorite ingredients in this regard is retinol, which has been one of the longest published and studied ingredients available, and now there are outstanding, over-the-counter formulations as well," explains Dr. Day. Her pick: ROC Skincare. "It is one of my go-to lines when it comes to retinol for protection against the signs of aging in the skin. I also like using anti-aging, antioxidant ingredients along with that. The ROC Smooth Perfection Instant Line Corrector works great with retinols to help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles in the skin," she adds.


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