Expert S.O.S. for Scars, Stretch Marks and Sunburns

What's your best summer accessory? Your skin! Here, board certified New York City dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe shares how to reduce common skin imperfections and protect against sun damage so you can look flawless from head to toe

From the LifeMinute Team

August 16, 2015

Bathing suits, short shorts, tank tops--summer is prime skin-revealing season. Not only do you want your skin to look flawless (and not be self-conscious about scars or stretch marks), but you also want to protect it from sun damage. Here, Dr. Whitney Bowe, a board certified dermatologist in New York City, shares how to deal with these three most common skin bummers of the summer.

1. Scars

Concerned about a scar? You're not alone. "On average, every person has about three scars on their body. They form from a number of different reasons, like a cut, scrape, curling iron burn, or acne," explains Dr. Bowe. And while scars can look different, they all usually start off very inflamed and dark in color and then become less noticeable over time. To speed up this natural healing process, always keep the scarred area moisturized with a product that contains Vitamin E. Dr. Bowe's pick: Bio-Oil. "Vitamin E is proven to be very helpful with wound healing. Bio-Oil not only has a lot of Vitamin E, but also a tremendous amount of science proving that it really minimizes the appearance of scars," she adds. It's also imperative that you protect it from the sun. "UV light can actually slow the process of wound healing and make scars darker--a process called hyperpigmentation," says Dr. Bowe.

2. Stretch Marks

"Stretch marks are actually a form of scar. When you overstretch the skin, the skin can actually create microscopic tears in the dermis, with your collagen and elastin fibers actually rupturing, and that leads to a stretch mark," explains Dr. Bowe. Stretch marks are commonly seen on kids going through puberty due to growth spurts, pregnant women with an expanding belly and anyone who has experienced dramatic weight gain and loss. "Look for stretch mark products that contains vitamin A, which actually triggers collagen formation. Collagen is what you need the most in a stretch mark," she recommends. And don't forget the power of a healthy diet and workout routine to prevent stretch marks from forming in the first place.

3. Sunburns

"A lot of people don't realize that even one sunburn can actually do some very severe long-term damage to the skin and predispose to both aging as well as skin cancer," cautions Dr. Bowe. If you do get a burn, take ibuprofen immediately to not only help with the pain, but also reduce the inflammation in the skin. You should also soothe the area with a cold milk compress. "Use a washcloth on the burnt areas that is soaked in milk, pat dry, and then apply a product that contains antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E, which are very calming and help the skin to repair itself," says Dr. Bowe. "Bio-Oil has those ingredients, as well as chamomile, which is also very soothing for a sunburn," she recommends. What you shouldn't do? "Never use ice or soap on a burn, which can make things worse," she cautions.

For more great skincare tips, follow Dr. Bowe on Facebook or Twitter.


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