Head-To-Toe Summer Beauty Musts

Easy, quick and super-effective products to keep you looking natural and beautiful all summer long

By The LifeMinute Team

April 27, 2016

Polly Blitzer, founder of Beautyblitz.com and longtime beauty editor has tried thousands of products to help battle the beauty challenges summer brings. Here are her current favorites to help you wage your own beach beauty battle.

Color Correction

Gray roots can be the bane of your beauty existence, no matter the season. But dealing with upkeep in the summer when you'd rather be enjoying the outdoors is just a nuisance. "Nobody wants to spend all summer at the salon, let alone deal with all the hair damage color can cause," says Blitzer, who suggests looking for a product that fits your lifestyle and isn't too expensive or time-consuming.

"I love Gray Away Root Touch Up Magnetic Powder. It's a targeted sponge applicator that's very easy to use thanks to its little mirror," she says, adding that "it's perfect for those summertime days on the go because it's super easy to toss in your handbag, to travel with, and keep in your desk drawer."

Looking for a styling product that also helps camouflage grays? Try Gray Away Temporary Root Concealer Spray--a hairspray that deposits hair color just along your part to cover and camouflage gray. It's unique pinpoint applicator lets the finished product look incredibly natural.

Find Gray Away at CVS, WalMart, Walgreens, RiteAid, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond and GrayAway.com for $9.99 a can.

Blonde Ambition

Blondes have always had a really tough time covering their roots because it's tricky to formulate something that will spray or cover something pale on dark roots and still look natural.

"Back2Blonde has totally nailed it and it's available in three shades to cover up nine shades of blonde, whether you're platinum or a honey blonde. It's great for covering dark and gray roots on blonde locks," says the expert. Self-adjusting pigments help the end result look shiny, healthy and natural.

Go to back2blonde.com for more information or to purchase their product at $12.99 a can.

Beat Stubble Trouble

"I have yet to find someone who asks to make their legs more stubbly, or how can I have more underarm hair growth," jokes Blitzer, who recommends the goof-proof Gillette Venus Silk Expert Powered By Braun device. It uses Intense Pulsed Light technology and a sensor that can detect and read your skin tone and hair color so that it perfectly administers the right level each time you use it. "You don't have to worry that it is going to be too powerful or not work well enough," she stays.

It is available for $399 at Amazon.com and Bed Bath & Beyond.

Smooth Skin

One huge misconception about summer is that your skin is oily and you don't need moisture but, that's absolutely false. "Your skin tends to get dry actually. The sun dries it out. The cold air conditioning dries it out, and chlorine makes it worse," according to Blitzer. "People tend to get ashy or itchy limbs. You end up scratching at night and wondering why you're so tired because you're not sleeping well.

"The best moisture I recommend for summer is Aveeno Skin Relief. This collection has body washes and body lotions and is very gentle. Even better, they are developed without twenty five known skin allergens so they contain no irritants.

Find the Aveeno Skin Relief collection at drug stores.


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