Remove Tattoos and Unwanted Skin Marks

See what the celebs turn to, to remove their marks and get glowing skin so quickly


From the LifeMinute.TV Team


February 22, 2019


Thinking of getting a tattoo, but afraid you might “regret” it?  Say hello to PiQo4, it has the highest level of technology to date to remove not only tattoos, but unwanted skin marks in general such as freckles, sun spots and acne scars.


“The PiQo4 is an advanced pigment superstation, it removes all tattoo colors and skin pigmentation,” Dermatologist Dr. Christopher Asandra, told us, “it can be used all over the body.”


Plus it improves skin laxity and tone.


What’s so different about the PiQo4? It’s versatile, the first of its kind to provide four laser wavelengths that can treat all colors, depths and sizes, for optimal “skin clearance.”


What that means? No colors or outlines are left behind, a common complaint Dr. Asandra says, of older technologies.


It takes a series of as little as three treatments or as many as eight, one month apart to provide sufficient results with minimal downtime. It all depends on the color, size and depth of the mark.


So if you have skin imperfections you thought you could never get rid of or a memory you no longer want to keep, not to fear, seems like you truly can erase the past.


For more information talk to your doctor or go to



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