Spring Beauty Buys: Flawlessly Face the New Season

Everyday tips for treating skin woes such as acne and eczema to the latest makeup crazes

By The LifeMinute Team

February 24, 2017

Spring is in the air! What are the must-have beauty buys? Here's what to check out next time you hit the store.

Suffer from acne especially as the season changes? Try Bior's new trio of baking soda and charcoal acne fighters.

Bior Baking Soda Acne Scrub

Bior Charcoal Acne Scrub

Bior Charcoal Acne Clearing Cleanser

With the change in weather you also want to take extra care of the skin on your body too.

Curl Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer

If you are looking for a fresh look for spring go for a bold lip like a coral with a rosey cheek with a peachy pink blush.


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