Winter Coats To Fall For

Find a coat to fit your fancy

From the LifeMinute Team

November 26, 2014

The countdown to Winter is on -- and the pressure's on, too, to find a coat to keep you on trend (and warm, of course!) as chilly Fall turns into icy Winter. And according to People StyleWatch Fashion Director Kate Dimmock, when it comes to coats, this season is all about the silhouette.

"[There are] lots of really amazing options. And this is a moment where the silhouette of the coat is changing," Kate tells us, "Coats are longer...they're more like bathrobe coats."

And when it comes to trim, Kate says shearling is in. "It kind of gives you that look of fur but it's not as expensive," she explains.

What you'll save on shearling, you can put towards a coat in a fabulous print. Kate explains, "There's a lot of print. And that's really a game-changer; that's a moment when you're going to have to invest to look current and stay warm."

So get shopping...winter is coming!

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