Registered Dietitian, Lourdes Castro, shows us how Greek Yogurt, a simple, nutrient-dense food can provide a platform for whipping up creations …more
February is National Heart Health Month and experts agree that one of the best ways to help reduce the risk of heart disease is to pay attention to …more
There are 6.5 million people living with heart failure in the US today, with about half suffering from a certain type of long-lasting heart failure …more
It's cold and flu season, but you don't have to suffer. Try these tips to help cure that cold and boost your immune system.
Have you stuck to your New Year's resolutions? Men's Health Nutrition Advisor and Author of the MetaShred Diet , Mike Roussell shows us 3 must-haves …more
It's the old adage 'New Year, New You', so here are 3 musts to give you a head start on looking and feeling your best.
You are what you eat. Here to help you start off the New Year on the right foot is Good Housekeeping Magazine's Food and Nutrition Director, …more
It's a touchy topic that affects women of all ages, even in their twenties and one that most aren't comfortable discussing. We caught up with one of …more
December is National Constipation Awareness Month. Stress, travel and changes in diet and routine can all contribute to occasional constipation, but …more
Only 10% of the US population trust that pharmaceutical companies are honest and ethical. This is why Dr. Jennifer Miller, Founder and President of …more
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