While we typically think of aging in terms of our physical appearance, it's more than just the wrinkles on our face and the graying of our hair. As we …more
For people with osteoarthritis, or OA--a condition where joint cartilage degenerates, causing pain and stiffness--discomfort can be a daily reality. …more
Try these five top tips to help cure your hangover.
After more than a year of being stuck inside and with many of us being glued on the couch for hours (or days) on end, Beachbody Super Trainer and the …more
May is Arthritis Awareness Month and all month long we've been sharing tips from doctors, fitness instructors and others who live with this often …more
Editor-in-Chief of LifeMinute.tv, Joann Butler shares the scoop.
More than 30 million Americans are affected by osteoarthritis, or OA, the form of arthritis that is caused by damage or breakdown of joint cartilage …more
Studies from the American Psychological Association show that mental health has dramatically worsened among adults since the pandemic began, with 53% …more
The real dangers of the sun and what you need to do on a daily basis to protect yourself before you head out the door.
Melanoma, commonly referred to as skin cancer, is the deadliest form of cancer, but it's also the most preventable. Neutrogena is the leader in the …more
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