Jen Ator from Women's Health Magazine helps you transition from Summer to Fall: For your health, Pure Bars; for your skin, Elizabeth Arden Flawless …more
Bahar Takhtehchian, Editor-at-Large at Shape Magazine presents healthy food and supplements for Better Breakfast Month this September from …more
Establishing a healthier lifestyle does not happen over night, but achieving it may be easier than you think. Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen, Co-founder and …more
Good oral health is the gateway to overall wellbeing that's why it's crucial to instill healthy habits with kids early on. So how do you get your …more
'Skin cancer is the #1 cancer,' says dermatologist Valerie Callender. So how do you protect yourself while still enjoying the summer sun? The doctor …more
It's allergy season and 50 million Americans are suffering, making it the fifth leading chronic disease in the U.S. for adults and the third for kids …more
Spring is here and it's time to shift over your medicine cabinet for the season. Toss out what's old and make room for new. National beauty and …more
Did you know overall health starts in your mouth? Dr. Travis Stork tells us one in two people, two out of three diabetes and 70% of pregnant women …more
For the 26 million Americans living with diabetes, monitoring blood sugar is a crucial, but tedious daily task. Endocrinologist and diabetic, Dr. …more
So you made that big New Year's resolution, but you have no idea how to follow through. Women's Health Magazine's fitness editor and author of Shape …more
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