5 Ways to Maximize Your Time

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

February 29, 2024

Daylight Saving Time is Sunday, March 10. While we’re ‘springing forward’ that means we’ll lose an hour of sleep when the clocks move up and technically an hour of our already filled days. To get some of your precious time back, try these tips to get more done in your day.

Get Your Z’s

For starters make sure to get a full night’s sleep. You can’t maximize anything when you’re exhausted, so if you can, head to bed an hour earlier the night the clocks change.


Plan Ahead

Make your to-do list the night before so you’ll be off and running the next day.


Identify Your Unique Efficiency

Determine your most productive time of day, then take advantage of it. If you know you’re a morning person for example, get up and get those things done. If you’re more of a night owl, do them before bed.


Control Interruptions and Distractions

Silence your phone, post a sign on your door or cubicle that you’re on deadline.


Learn To Say No

Remember just because someone asks you to do something doesn’t always mean you have to. If you just can’t fathom fitting in that visit or outing into your day, or doing that favor for someone, just say no.

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