7 Things to Never Share on Social Media

Avoid the temptation to post a photo of that shiny new object or broadcast your travel plans

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

October 24, 2023

You can select all the privacy settings you want on social networking sites, but if you publish something, it has the potential to be viewed by someone you do not want to see it. To stay safe, here's what you should never post online.

If you consistently share your location on social media, someone can see your past movements and predict upcoming plans. This could lure stalkers who may harm you. And your phone’s camera may be tracking your every move without even realizing it. Before posting a photo, to ensure it will not add the location automatically, turn off the geolocation by going to Location Services, then Camera, and select the option “Never”.

Travel Plans
Broadcasting travel plans and photos on social media can be an invitation for thieves by letting them know you are away or not expected to be in your home during a specified period. If you want to post, wait until after you return.

Personal Info
Sharing intimate info, such as your address, phone & social security numbers, license, or car info, can make you vulnerable to identity theft threats and other scams. The same goes for sharing passwords or password hints. Current 2023 stats from the Federal Trade Commission indicate 5.8 million total fraud and identity theft reports, 1.4 million of which were identity theft matters. If you are the victim of identity theft, contact the Federal Trade Commission site at IdentityTheft.gov, report it, and obtain a recovery plan.

Account Recovery Data
Publicizing information like a maiden name, birth date, or the name of a first pet may not seem like a big deal, but it could offer a thief the last piece of the puzzle needed to hack into your bank or other accounts. Pieces of information like these may be required to reset or recover one of your accounts.

License, ID, Passport, or Vaccine Cards
These documents hold sensitive personal info that can be used for identity theft and other cybercriminal activities. Avoid even posting your picture from these documents online.

Pricey Purchases
These sorts of posts can contribute to insecurities and feelings of failure, resentment, and jealousy from others. Waving that shiny new object can also encourage someone to try to steal it or take advantage of you in other ways.

Children Deets
It’s a personal choice whether to share info about your children. If you post, consider nixing any identifying information such as their full name, age, grade, and where they go to school. It may seem harmless, but it can put private details about you or them at risk. If sharing images, like back-to-school or end-of-year photos, ensure names and school details are not identifiable, such as a school uniform. Consider keeping posts limited to a private group of trusted family and friends.  

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