Fall Finds: Home Décor Musts and Delicious Halloween Treats!

From the perfect décor to tasty Halloween treats, Lifestyle Expert Amy Goodman spills her secrets for a fabulous fall

By The LifeMinute Team

October 12, 2016

'Tis the time of year to find quick and easy ways to refresh your home décor. Lifestyle Expert Amy Goodman suggests going to Big Lots because they have great fashionable collections at affordable prices.

Take A Seat

When you're throwing your football parties and soirees you want to make sure everyone has a good place to sit. "Big Lots has many different kinds of seating, ottomans and tv stands," she says. Shopping at the retail giant has never been easier; Big Lots has over 1,400 different stores in 47 states and unlimited hours and savings at biglots.com.

Small Effort, Big Impact

Don't forget the accessories and accent pieces! "They can inject a lot of style into any given room whether that is paisley pillows and fabulous soft throws that you can put atop a sofa, for example." Also consider an accent table done in a great red hue to inject a pop of color into your living room and/or your family room.

Perfect Halloween Treat

"I will admit that I want to be the popular house on the block when it comes to serving up the treats," says Goodman. "So move over chocolates and traditional candy corn, because I want my treat to be unique and also really really yummy." Enter Hi-Chew. "This is a Japanese treat that has an international following. And I like to say I know what I'm talking about because I am half Japanese and I grew up with this wonderful, wonderful treat!"

Safe and Delicous

Hi-Chew is gluten-and-nut free, which checks a number of boxes for concerned parents. It is also made with fruit juice and puree so you can feel really good about serving up this delicious treat. "If you've never had it before it is soft on the inside and perfectly chewy on the inside as well. It melts in your mouth," says Goodman. Hi-Chew has beautiful Halloween packaging and comes in three flavors of strawberry, green apple and grape. They are individually wrapped so you can hand them out for Halloween. Great for kids and adults and once you have one you will definitely be hooked.

For more information go to biglots.com and hi-chew.com. Happy Fall.


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