First Impressions are Everything

Head & Shoulders is helping one college grad land a job

By the LifeMinute Team

September 5, 2018

First impressions are everything especially when landing a great job, that's why Head & Shoulders believes nothing should stand in the way of making an amazing first impression- especially dandruff flakes!

So they decided to help out one recent college graduate, Brandon, a confident leader with a BS in Criminal Justice, president of his college fraternity and of course 100% flake-free, the ideal candidate for any employer.

Throughout a series of stunts in Boston, including billboards in the high traffic areas of South Station and outside Fenway Park, Head & Shoulders had everyone buzzing to encourage recruiters and potential employers to #hirebrandon.

You can help too! Share your best advice and job leads using #hirebrandon. For more info check out @headshouldersusa on Instagram and visit their LinkedIn page.


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