The Importance of Infrastructure Investment in America

John Deere joins The Association of Equipment Manufacturers in DC to celebrate construction and explain the benefits of smarter, safer, and more sustainable construction solutions

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

May 17, 2023

Every day, your life is affected by infrastructure – the roads you drive on, the bridges you cross, the water you drink, the rail the metro in our city runs on, or the runway your flight lands on are all examples of infrastructure. The proper funding and maintenance of our aging infrastructure are critical, and more sustainable construction solutions are essential.

LifeMinute was on the National Mall with manufacturers and associations to discuss the importance of supporting infrastructure and the need for investment in communities all over the country. And John Deere is helping contractors answer the fundamental need for smarter, safer, and more sustainable construction so the construction industry can shape tomorrow and get on with the business of living.

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