New Survey Finds That Americans Think Prosperity is Out of Reach

87% are delaying personal milestones as a result


From the LifeMinute.TV Team


April 26, 2019


Many Americans are striving to reach prosperity in their lives.  And though prosperity means different things to different people, 87% believe that achieving their financial goals is crucial to living the life they want. However, a new survey by Intuit reveals that 4 out of 5 Americans feel that prosperity is out of reach for them and just as many are delaying personal milestones like marriage or having a family as a result. 


So what’s keeping Americans from prospering? More than half say it’s simply a matter of not feeling confident in their ability to manage their finances. We consulted finance expert and Amazon #1 bestselling author, Tiffany Aliche aka “The Budgetnista”  to address these obstacles and what to do about them.



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