If you've ever stifled a smile because you're less-than-proud of your teeth or worn a second-rate outfit because your first choice was tight, …more
In a recent Expedia.com survey, eight out of ten respondents said that vacations make them happier than marriages, religion, cats and birthdays. And …more
Getting kids to eat healthily at home is hard. Making it happen at school is practically impossible. Unless you implement these tried-and-tested …more
You don't have to choose between efficiency, aesthetics and eco-consicousness. These home improvement products have them all.
New shoes and pencils? Check. But what about the inevitable back-to-school bummers like frayed nerves, germs galore and hungry tummies? Read on to …more
About 3.9 million dogs enter the shelter system in the U.S every year. They give us so much--love, devotion, humor. Now it's time for us to give back …more
Our favorite mom-pert and founder of BeautyBlitz.com, Polly Blitzer, shares her must-haves for new mothers and their little angels.
From decorating a dorm room to shopping for the hottest fall fashions, THE MOMS co-founder Melissa Gerstein has some awesome finds that get your kids …more
From the best at-home pedicure device and skin-conditioning razor to multivitamins that taste good enough to curb your mid-afternoon sweet tooth, …more
Whether you are looking for the perfect gift for Dad or for that guy grad, Men's Health magazine's Clint Carter says a fragrance is a great …more
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