A Healthy Mom Is A Gorgeous Mom!

From the best at-home pedicure device and skin-conditioning razor to multivitamins that taste good enough to curb your mid-afternoon sweet tooth, lifestyle expert Robyn Moreno shares the latest health tips to keep busy moms at the top of their game

From the LifeMinute Team

June 26, 2015

Are you a busy mom with little time to think about what's best for you? Lifestyle expert Robyn Moreno shares the latest health and beauty tips to help you look good and feel good all summer long.

1. Don't Let LBL Get You Down

"Believe it or not, one in three women experience light bladder leakage, also known as LBL," says Moreno. These little leaks are caused by every day occurrences like coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising. "Women who experience LBL often use period pads to help, even though that's not what they're designed for, but they don't know there's another solution," she explains. The better solution: Poise Thin Shape Pads which are up to 40% thinner than normal pads and specifically designed to help with LBL. Go to poise.com for a free sample, plus fun tips on what to do with all your unused period pads.

2. The Best At-Home Pedicure

Wearing pretty sandals is one of the best parts of summer, but who has time for the two-hour in-salon pedicure? Moreno's must-have: Dr. Scholl's DreamWalk Express Pedi Foot Smoother. "It's a lightweight, handheld personal electronic foot file device that buffs away rough dry skin and literally makes your feet smoother and softer in just minutes. It's super efficient and really easy to use because there are no sharp blades or soaking," she explains. In fact, this pedicure device has already received a Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. "They did a test on five different electronic foot files and this was their overall number one pick," says Moreno.

3. Sweet Treats For A Healthier You

According to a recent survey by Centrum and Prevention magazine, 75% of Americans said it was fairly easy to get all the nutrients they need from food, yet in fact, 9 out 10 Americans fall short when it comes to getting the proper dose of vitamins and minerals from food. "That's why we need multivitamins. We are busier than ever and eating a little bit lighter," says Moreno. Her solution: Centrum MultiGummies come in three different flavors and contain all of the supportive vitamins and nutrients that busy moms need, like vitamins B12, D and E. Go to centrum.com for a $2 off coupon.

4. The Fastest Way To Get Smooth Legs

Busy moms barely have time to take a shower every day, let alone a few extra minutes shave their legs. Moreno's answer: Schick Intuition Razor. "It actually has the shaving gel right in the razor. It's the only razor that lathers, shaves and moisturizes in one easy step." Another bonus: the citrus and tropical scents help perk up tired moms.


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