August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month, and 80% of Americans are affected by hair loss. The first FDA-approved over-the-counter topical hair …more
This back-to-school season, Johnathon Hines, author, and Georgia Pre-K Teacher of The Year, has partnered with Lysol to help spread the word about …more
National Honey Bee Day is August 19. Learn the buzz surrounding the benefits of honey and how to incorporate it into your life.
National Play Outside Day is August 5. Celebrate the day by unplugging in the great outdoors or connecting with natural space and also discover the …more
There are many causes for bad breath. In honor of National Fresh Breath Day on August 6, take a natural breath of relief with these potential …more
Fresh-grown herbs elevate the beauty, flavor, and nutrition of your dishes, not to mention watching something you've grown can be a rewarding …more
Six effective tips for taking care of you
We are talking musts to elevate your summer, from food to your skincare routine. When it comes to food, we've ditched the burgers and dogs and went …more
Multiple studies have shown that laughter and joy can improve mood, curb anxiety and depression, relieve pain, and mitigate the negative effects of …more
Hydration is so important there's an entire day devoted to it, June 23, National Hydration Day. While we all know the importance of getting hydration …more
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