It's a seller's market right now, meaning if you are considering selling your home, now is a good time to do it, with home sales exploding off the …more
June 18th is Father's Day. Of course, it's graduation season too. LifeMinute has the scoop on some cool gifts for those guys in your life.
Approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year, with 3 million being dogs. Since so many of man's best …more
Every day, your life is affected by infrastructure - the roads you drive on, the bridges you cross, the water you drink, the rail the metro in our …more
There are so many benefits to tidying up your room. A nationwide survey released by Clorox in 2018 found 80% reported feeling more relaxed, 60% less …more
Mother's Day is right around the corner. If you haven't gotten mom anything yet, don't worry because we have some special things you can do for her …more
Get into the spring and summer seasons with four must-haves. imPRESS Manicure Press On Nails by KISS These are the quickest way to get a salon-worthy …more
Spring is full of celebrations, from Mother's Day to dads and grads. Of course, entertainment and travel too. All that fun can get expensive, but it …more
Spring is here and that means more time outdoors with our beloved pets. This also means potential risk for parasitic diseases transmitted by ticks and …more
There are mucho benefits to having your own garden. In honor of National Gardening Day on April 14, here are some pointers to flex those green thumbs.
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